‘Aquarium Strength’ Aquatic Barley Straw Extract
Aquatic Barley Straw Extract is the natural eco-friendly way to clear water in your Aquarium, fish tanks or water feature.
‘Aquarium Strength’ Aquatic Barley Straw Extract is a highly concentrated extract which can be applied quickly & easily. Simply pour the liquid straight into your waterbody.
‘Aquarium Strength’ Aquatic Barley Straw Extract is perfect for a natural & eco-friendly way to keep your water clean. It‘s safe to use, non-toxic to humans, fish & pets and will not affect aquatic plants.
The Extract of Barley Straw is highly concentrated and begins to work quicker than decomposing Aquatic Barley Straw Bales.
‘Aquarium Strength’ Aquatic Barley Straw Extract is made from all natural, 100% Australian grown organic barley, which is harvested, processed and distributed by Australian operated companies.
Aquarium Strength’ Aquatic Barley Straw Extract is best applied before any green sludge appears.
It’s ideal for use immediately after a fish tank or aquarium clean & re-fill.
Tip container upside down to gently mix, measure the required amount of product (please see below) and pour directly into the water.
Application Rates:
For indoor Fish Tanks & Aquariums – Apply at a rate of 5ml/50 litres of water & re apply every 2 weeks.
For water with high turbidity, or poor water clarity apply an additional 20% more product, until clarity improves.
Trade Enquiries &
Wholesale Sales of our
Aquatic Barley Straw
Extract Aquarium Strength
products welcome.